Name: | Assef, Roberto |
Email: | |
Institution: | Universidad Diego Portales |
Title: | Obscured AGN in WISE |
Topic: | Extreme Sources |
Abstract: | Actively accreting super-massive black holes, also known as active galactic nuclei or AGN, can be some of the most luminous objects in the Universe and are thought to play a major role in the evolution of massive galaxies. AGN are characterized by significant amounts of dust that is heated up to its sublimation point by the outgoing radiation, making them exceptionally bright and red in the mid-IR. As such, the WISE mission is a unique tool to identify and study these objects, particularly the large fraction of them where the gas and dust erases the soft X-rays/UV/optical signatures of the accretion disk. In this talk I will present our research with the WISE mission to explore obscured AGN, with particular emphasis on the WISE discovery of an enigmatic new class of hyper-luminous ones, known as Hot Dust-Obscured Galaxies.