Name:Zuckerman, Ben
Title:Youthful Stars Near Earth: A Potpourri of WISE Contributions and Discoveries
Topic:Synergy with other surveys
Abstract:Young stars and planets near Earth will be celebrated in May 2015 at an IAU Symposium in Atlanta, Georgia. Important WISE contributions to the study of young stars are numerous and include: discovery of the rapid disappearance of a massive dusty disk; discovery of the most infrared luminous main sequence star known (where IR luminosity is defined as a fraction of a star’s bolometric luminosity); and discovery of a remarkably dusty wide-separation M-type binary member of the beta Pictoris Moving Group. In addition, WISE has played an essential role in the creation of the GALNYSS catalog (D. Rodriguez et al 2014). Here combination of data from GALEX, 2MASS, and WISE enabled identification of ~2000 candidate youthful, late-type, stars near Earth. Currently, these stars are being spectroscopically investigated to establish their youth, excess IR emission, and other properties.